
Showing posts from April 19, 2013

Through the cracks and stones: Wild Flowers of the Acropolis

Camera ready for my very first encounter with the ancient Greek marvels of the Temple of Zeus, guess what's my first photo? Why? Because I last saw these little "arrows" when I was about 6 years old. My friend Linda and I grew up on The Green.   That's where we spent our days.   On The Green there was a playground with a Jungle Gym, swings, a see-saw, a very high slide, and the "roundabout".     Complicated circus tricks were performed on all the equipment.   Linda and I were the acrobats.   We could swing the highest, jump off the swings the furthest, hang upside down on the Jungle Gym the longest, "fly" the roundabout whilst it was going very fast, and dismount and be the dizziest. We also could shoot our little grass arrows the furthest. You pick the ones with the longest stems, then you sort of tie a knot behind the arrow head, and pull the trigger (mixing my metaphors!) Never in a million years could I