Route 14

Every Sunday my mother and I took the route 14 out of Changhua towards Nantou.
At the height of summer one can buy lychees from the farmer's blue truck parked
in the road in front of his orchard.
Pineapples, guavas, dragon fruit, bananas.

But mostly we passed them all, because we had only ONE destination in mind:

Sticky, Sweet, Fragrant Yams.

Once again, I couldn't believe my eyes when I found the same old lady at her stall.
I told her my mother loved her yams, and her eyes twinkled with delight.
I stopped every few metres until there was none left.

Next stop, our favourite nursery.

A popular sight all along the road:

It was a lovely clear day, and the Central mountain range forms a perfect backdrop to the farm lands.

A splash of wild mustard.

Every guava is protected from the birds and elements, already in its plastic packaging. 

The last obligatory stop is at the magnificent Everything Store just before you reached my flat.

And please feel free to stop right in the doorway.   
Tannie Manda moet altyd heelvoor staan.

The Everything Store sells, well. ..... everything!!!


Dalene, Living here on Lake MIchigan in USA it is nice to check in on other places and other people. I am a student of the world and enjoy learning all I can. Hope to see you again. Jack
windowongeorge said…
Welcome to my class, Jack! I learn more from my students than I can ever teach them! Check out my latest post for our school's 15th anniversary celebrations.

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